
Welcome to the VeriAge developer API. This api is mainly intended to be used by platform developers of adult age-restricted websites to check the status of a customer's ID verification upon the customer signup.
This API is restricted to valid and registered companies/websites that utilize the VeriAge system. If you are not currently a registered platform/website with VeriAge, you may do so on our main website located at:

Getting Started

Please post your API requests to our current endpoint below. Results are returned in JSON format, which you must parse and apply to your specific platform.

Current Base Endpoint:

You will need to append your user token and other search critera on the end of the url. Please see sections below.


Every platform/website registered and active with us has a user token issued. You will need to append this user token to the end of the url before including the methods and data.

Example with user token:{your user token here}/

Getting Member Verification Status

To get a members current user status, you must include their ID and email address in the url (please notice also the inclusion of the member property method.

Example with user token:{your api token here}/members/{member id number}/{member email address}

In the JSON returned, you will see a current status with will include one of the following: 'valid', 'expired', or 'noexist'. You can make your business decisions based on this status.

We will also include additional information about the member that you may find useful, like their signup country, state and city, ID expires date, DOB (year only) and more.
IMPORTANT: if the member exists in our system, their ID is already validated to be over 18 years of age and their selfie biometrically matches their supplied ID.
We will NOT return data that would be considered a privacy violation such as ID name or address which would be a violation of our privacy policies.

Test Data: We have a test member account that you can query to test your system with. memberid: av-1 email: [email protected]

Example Request
curl -G[email protected]
Example Response
"apiuser": "yourtokenid",
"querydate": "06-30-2024",
"queryeventid": "qe3453453",
"queryerrormessage": "",
"query": {
"memberid": "av-4453",
"memberemail": "[email protected]"
"queryresponse": {
"currentstatus": "valid",
"idexpiresdate": "07-15-2028",
"dobyear": "1968",
"country": "usa",
"stateregion": "nevada",
"city": "las vegas"
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